The Sag Harbor community celebrated African American writers on February 10 2023 with a Read-In at the John Jermaine Library.
The readers included
Georgette Grier-Key
Rev. Kimberly Johnson
Stony Brook U. Professor Marvin Colson,
Chloe Hayward
Heidi Rain
Maria De Logoria
Barbara Moss
Harriet Simon
Deacon Kenneth Brown
Tom Oleszczuk
Stephen Mack
Kathryn Szoka
Maggie Bloomfield
Listen to the February 22 broadcast (29 min)
Listen to the complete February 10 reading.(1 hr 33 min)
Here are some upcoming literary events on eastern Long Island:
Thursday February 23 at 6:30 PM
On Zoom: A Conversation with author Hazel Selzer Kahan about her memoir A House in Lahore: Growing Up Jewish in Pakistan
Register on line at
Thursday February 23 @ 7 PM
Poetry Reading: Anthony Policano & Gloria g. Murray plus open mic
1650 Sycamore Avenue
Suite 46
Bohemia, NY
more information and upcoming poetry sessions at
Friday Feb 24 at 6 p.m. Emma Walton Hamilton reads from her poetry collection, Door to Door
Sat. March 4 at 5 pm. We begin Women’s History Month with debut novelist June Gervais author of Jobs For Girls with Artistic Flair, an upbeat, feminist, coming-of-age story set in 1980s Long Island, in conversation with novelist Susan Scarf Merrell, author of Shirley.
The Riverhead NY Public Library and Zoom:
Saturday February 25, 2pm-4pm
Poetry Street LIVE with Deborah Hauser, Matthew Forrest and Jawaan Sween
followed by an open mic, hosted by Chip Williford, and Maggie Bloomfield